“Inner Peace” Painting of Love & Healing

“Inner Peace” Spiritual Painting by Cianelli

Inner Peace by Jaison Cianelli ©2007

Art Prints

Within this painting you will find an Om at the center of the heart. The sound of Om (pronounced: ah / oh / mmm / silence) is considered to be the sound of the universe and is used in prayer or meditation to bring peace and connection to life’s joyful sound. Om, Amen and Ahamin are all one. Also, you will find the seven colors of the rainbow or light spectrum. Each frequency of color corresponds to the seven chakra energy centers within the human body as follows: red = base of the spine, orange = abdomen, yellow = solar plexus, green = heart, blue = throat, indigo = brow, violet = crown. Reiki, acupuncture, prayer, meditation and other forms of healing all work to align these energy centers to the right color or frequency.

“How sweet it is to love, and to be dissolved, and as it were to bathe myself in thy love.” ~ Thomas A Kempis