Contemporary Seascape Painting – Spiral Wave

Spiral Wave
Original medium: Acrylic on Canvas ©2008
The premise for creating this seascape painting or  other seascapes paintings that I create, is not to re-create reality, it is to convey a feeling.  When I spend time at the beach I’m not there to paint.  I am there because I love to be there.  To be in the waves and take in the sites, sounds, the feeling of the sand, and even the taste of the salty air.  When I come back from the beach I feel younger.  With the love for the thing that remains with me the most I have burning desire to openly paint this feeling.
I’ll work in stages.  First building texture with paste and white paint.  Pouring paint onto the canvas and flinging paint with my brush.  Once dry, I’ll add colors, pouring on more paint and adding details by guiding globs of paint on top of dried paint with the back of my brush.
This is generally how it goes.  But there is not one set procedure.   The only requirement I have is that I enjoy everything I do so that the painting will convey this joy in its final appearance.

Abstract Landscape Painting – “New Path”

New Path Abstract Landscape Painting

New Path
Original size: 24 x 24 inches
Original medium: Acrylic on gallery canvas: ©2008

Purchase Original: $500

This painting ended up having the beautiful tones, thick texture, and the simplicity that I have a hard time parting with. Yes I would like to keep this one. 🙂 But I won’t. It might be hard to tell from this picture, but the sides are painted brown, not black.

side view