Abstract Landscapes – Painting From The Inner Light

bursting_sun_600The Impressionists were a genre of artists from the 19th century whose intent was to capture the effects natural light had on the landscape. To achieve this, they set their easels up outdoors. They called themselves “en plein air” artists which is a French expression that means “in the open air.” Some believe that painting outdoors expresses nature in a fuller way and allows the artist to capture the needed vibrancy and spontaneity in their work. Today the contemporary landscape artists are very much still “en plein air” artists, but there are a group of landscape artists that, while painting indoors, paint a light from a slightly different source.

These landscape artists tend to create work that is abstract or slightly abstract. And to understand their source of light, you have to understand the abstract artist. The abstract artist has a painting style that is all together very different. The general consensus is that the abstract artist paints from within where there is more emotional and expressive energy. So if indeed these artists are painting a light source it would make sense that they are painting not the natural light on the outer world, but an expression of the inner light from within.

Artists and critics have yet to classify all the genres of abstract art. So at this present time there does not appear to be a classification for abstract artists painting “the light from within.” But what does it really mean to paint this way?

First of all, not every abstract landscape artist attempts to paint an obvious light source within their work. And, those that do are generally unaware as to why they are doing it other than the fact that it may look intriguing. But considering what the light source represents from those abstract landscape artists that have spoken about it, it is something very soulful and connected with the individual. One way to explain it would be to say the light represent their our own souls connection with its source.

You see, without trying to re-create reality, some abstract landscape artists go within themselves to reveal on the canvas an essence of nature and also the source of nature, all while they are aware that the two are a part of themselves. The end result is something they consider spiritual, uplifting, or possibly healing. Of course, this is not to say that “en plein air” artists do not have these same emotions when painting, it’s just a different way to express the light source.

The Love of Christ Is The New Age



Balance by Jaison Cianelli ©2007
Spiritual Art Prints
Cianelli Studios – Spiritual Paintings 

I am an artist compelled to create inspirational paintings and drawings from my heart. My art is always an expressionistic message of love. Hopefully, it speaks universally to all people in a positive and uplifting way. Some of my work makes use of sacred geometry that can be found in nature, figures in prayer or meditation, or the chakra energy centers that are within the human body. For this reason my art can fit in the category of New Age. From my understanding there is not one concrete definition of what New Age is.

My own personal thoughts are that the New Age is not anything other than ancient wisdom being revealed in the present moment. The truth from the foundations of the world is still the truth today. The understanding is that there will be changes on the earth and there will be changes in the consciousness of people in the dawning of a new day. There will be a New Earth and there will be a New Heaven. The change of consciousness has already occurred upon the introduction of Jesus Christ into this world. There became a new understanding of God as a source of love by a great number of people across the world. The teachings were meant to uplift the consciousness of humankind to let go of judgment and transcend to higher energy levels through love and through the acceptance of God’s merciful gift to the world – love incarnate, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

It was taught that If we better understand that the heart of God is mercy, and become a source of mercy and love ourselves, then each one of us has a closer relationship to God as we form a connection to all that is in the universe and feel the warmth that is gives. Through this greater understanding we begin to see ourselves as a son or daughter of God the Creator. And through this understanding we will be transcended back to God.

To me, the term New Age implies a universal spiritual awakening within the heart of man to achieve this unconditional love – a Christ force. This feeling, this vibrational energy, can be felt anywhere and everywhere. Not just in a church, but at home, in nature, through art, in meditation, and through interactions with people. I believe that as more of us let go of judgment, and embrace this force of love and allow it to flow, we will embrace our brothers and sisters of all nationalities and religions.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan, From The Holy Bible: Luke 25-37

On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

He answered: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “

“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”
Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

“Inner Peace” Painting of Love & Healing

“Inner Peace” Spiritual Painting by Cianelli

Inner Peace by Jaison Cianelli ©2007

Art Prints

Within this painting you will find an Om at the center of the heart. The sound of Om (pronounced: ah / oh / mmm / silence) is considered to be the sound of the universe and is used in prayer or meditation to bring peace and connection to life’s joyful sound. Om, Amen and Ahamin are all one. Also, you will find the seven colors of the rainbow or light spectrum. Each frequency of color corresponds to the seven chakra energy centers within the human body as follows: red = base of the spine, orange = abdomen, yellow = solar plexus, green = heart, blue = throat, indigo = brow, violet = crown. Reiki, acupuncture, prayer, meditation and other forms of healing all work to align these energy centers to the right color or frequency.

“How sweet it is to love, and to be dissolved, and as it were to bathe myself in thy love.” ~ Thomas A Kempis

“All Family” – A Spiritual Painting for Unity

All Family

All Family
Original size: 20 x 30 inches
Original medium: Acrylic on canvas: ©2007

Purchase Print: $14.86


We as people of the world are all God’s children. And if we understand that our brothers and sisters are all those that do in accordance with love then we would see it that no one would be left behind or excluded for any differences in this big family. By embracing the variety of culture we understand and respect the whole of people as a flavorful medley, a composition of spirits on this earth. And by shedding the heavy weight of racism, jealousy, fear, arrogance, and inferiority we embrace and exchange and allow for the lighter, higher self to shift us through the ages – a place where we can begin living, loving, and laughing together.

Painting Technique

To portray a message I like to paint words in a natural way or in a way that they appear like nature. I also like to build up many layers of paint while experimenting with colors and enjoying the fine lines of texture from the brush strokes. This painting is a blend of expressionism and an abstract landscape paintings. Like most of the pieces in “Spirited Expression” I included the actual title (“All Family”) within the painting. Something special about this piece is that the overall essence of this painting was meant to give reference to an angelic figure.

I recently submitted this painting to an event called “Embracing Our Differences,” an outdoor art exhibit intended to demonstrate in a positive way that diversity enriches our lives. This event invites artists, photographers, and writers to participate. 39 artists will be selected for the exhibit. Since 2004, the exhibit has been viewed by more than 400,000 visitors. For more details visit their website at www.embracingourdifferences.org

Painting a Spiritual Journey Inward – Art as Meditation

Bathing in Light
Original size: 9 x 12 inches
Original medium: Pastel on board: ©2005

Purchase Print: $14.86

When you see a clear river you’re less afraid to go out into its deep waters. It’s peaceful. You stay in it longer, and you even let your feet touch its bottom. Like a crystal clear river, a clear mind is the key to being at peace and living in the present moment. A mind filled with the murkiness of worry and haste is a confused and overloaded mind that will increase stress, lower productivity and lead the way to unhappiness and ill health. I have found that by painting intuitively, not only do I clear my mind, but I receive spiritual healing seated deep within my heart.There are many ways to slow down and release our worries, to exist in the present moment and be at one with the creative flow. In other words, there are many ways to meditate. Meditation is a journey inward. When the mind dissolves and is free of all thoughts there is a connection at the heart of our spirit; there is a childlike joy in existing. This feeling of contentment helps us cope with the busyness of life and bonds us with a pure ocean of peace.

Whether we know it or not, all of us have meditated before. Maybe not in the eastern Yogic sense, but we have all silenced the mind perhaps by listening to gentle music, lying on the beach, or immersing ourselves in the stillness of a hobby. Being that I am an artist, I’ve retreated to the quiet places of painting and drawing pretty much my whole life. Sometimes, without any idea of what I would paint, I would allow my intuition to choose colors and begin forming free flowing lines that were both a connection of my spirit and a creative journey of intuitive oneness. It wasn’t until the past few years that I consciously became aware of my art as a form of meditation and connection to God.

And you don’t have to be an artist to practice intuitive art. Anyone can take part in using art as meditation. And if you do, over time you will find within the confines of the peace that you receive there is a spiritual connection in your act of creativity which is tied to God the Creator. After all, we are ourselves a creation with a will to create, and when we explore this gift we are living in acceptance, we are taking the time to remove our “self” to unfold a journey within the higher realms of light and love. When you feel this sense of well-being that God is within you and around you, like a proud father smiling at his son or daughter, you know that anything that brings you together must be right. You also know that the simple intuitive painting that you just embarked on, was really a spiritual and creative journey to happiness, to love, the place where God resides.

If you would like to try your hand (and heart) at an intuitive painting all you need is your willingness to try. Previous art experience is not needed to take part in a spiritual path of well-being. Remember, you’re not trying to create a masterpiece, your trying to master peace. Sit down with some old crayons, colored pencils, some watercolors, or whatever it is that you like. If you like rich colors try acrylic paints or oil pastels. You will also need many blank pieces of fresh paper or canvas.

Just as when you were a child, go into the act with not a care in the world. Without forming the idea of what to paint, begin by choosing a color. Allow yourself to visit different colors and the way they appear on the paper. Create forms if you want. Take delight in what you do and allow your instincts to take over. Sometimes it helps to play some soft harmonious music in the background. Each painting is an exploration in your own spiritual journey. You will find that some take you to a place where you are connected and are extremely satisfied in the art that is unfolding before you. Without being judgmental, continue in the flow. You will be amazed with what you find, and you will be delighted when others appreciate your paintings as well.