Abstract Landscape Painting – “Bursting Sun”


Bursting Sun by Jaison Cianelli ©2009 
Art Prints 
Purchase This Abstract Landscape Painting
bursting_sun_detailBursting Sun – Detail

Contemporary Seascape Painting – Spiral Wave

Spiral Wave
Original medium: Acrylic on Canvas ©2008
The premise for creating this seascape painting or  other seascapes paintings that I create, is not to re-create reality, it is to convey a feeling.  When I spend time at the beach I’m not there to paint.  I am there because I love to be there.  To be in the waves and take in the sites, sounds, the feeling of the sand, and even the taste of the salty air.  When I come back from the beach I feel younger.  With the love for the thing that remains with me the most I have burning desire to openly paint this feeling.
I’ll work in stages.  First building texture with paste and white paint.  Pouring paint onto the canvas and flinging paint with my brush.  Once dry, I’ll add colors, pouring on more paint and adding details by guiding globs of paint on top of dried paint with the back of my brush.
This is generally how it goes.  But there is not one set procedure.   The only requirement I have is that I enjoy everything I do so that the painting will convey this joy in its final appearance.

Abstract Landscape Painting – “New Path”

New Path Abstract Landscape Painting

New Path
Original size: 24 x 24 inches
Original medium: Acrylic on gallery canvas: ©2008

Purchase Original: $500

This painting ended up having the beautiful tones, thick texture, and the simplicity that I have a hard time parting with. Yes I would like to keep this one. 🙂 But I won’t. It might be hard to tell from this picture, but the sides are painted brown, not black.

side view

Abstract Paintings Have a Purpose?

It depends on the artist, but generally, yes abstract paintings have a purpose.  The purpose is simply to beautify your surroundings with intrigue.  Ok, but why do people pay so much for  what looks like a canvas with some paint thrown on it?  Abstract paintings can actually be very affordable if purchased from an up and coming artist.  And believe it or not, most often there was a deliberate attempt at where that paint landed on the canvas.  The beauty of abstract art, both for the artist and the viewer, is that anyone can take what they see and interpret it however they see fit.

There are many different interpretations of abstract art.  An artist can be completely non-representational, or he/she can conjure up recognizable forms and symbols.  In a broad spectrum of abstract paintings, you can find landscapes, seascapes, natural objects, and colorful shapes and forms.  All and all, abstract paintings tend to have a strong focus on color patterns, and/or texture.  In this modern day, with photography, digital art, and the ability to create prints, it’s no wonder why artists are seeking to make it perfectly clear that what you see on the canvas was in-fact created with a more personal human element.  How you ask?  Through building up layers of texture, depth, or using a glazing technique that collects and redistributes light, making the paint appear luminous.

There is so much joy in painting abstractly because the walls of rigid preconception are torn down.  Many artists are using abstract art as a means to release feelings, and also as a way to freely express what they have seen in nature.  When something is done in spirit and spontaneity, it’s obvious and it shows in the work.  The purpose of abstract art is to capture this essence and bring this joy into the lives of others.

“Gold Sun” – Contemporary Landscape Painting

Gold Sun Contemporary Landscape Painting
Gold Sun
Original size: 24 x 24 inches
Original medium: Acrylic on gallery canvas: ©2008

Purchase Original: $900

I spent a lot of time building up the texture on this one. I really wanted to add a tree or some kind of identifiable object, but every time I added something it just didn’t look right. Sometimes, even though it feels right, it’s hard to keep something simple. As simple as this painting looks, building up the glazed layers of acrylic paint on top of thick dark layers of paint was a challenge. Quite the opposite of what you should do. As any artist knows, lighter transparent paint on top of dark paint does not go over very well. I had to constantly re-introduce my whites. But it was fun. I captured the look I was going for and that’s all that matters.

I hope you like it. I think the canvas gained 10 pounds from all the paint I added to it. Here take a look at the depth of the paint in the sky:

Gold Sun Detail



Amazed in Nature – Clearing The Mind & Closer to God

"grass meets sky" abstract landscape painting
Grass Meets Sky
Original size: 12 x 36 inches
Original medium: Acrylic on gallery canvas: ©2009


Nature can strike me with awe and wipe away my foolishness. I know at once when the word “woah” flows through my being and out through my throat, I am left with another moment in nature where I have once again partook in the opportunity of resetting my foolish “worry clock.” Realizing yet again life is not exactly what I think it is, my wisdom is squat next to God’s, and all the worries of the world are but a buzzing of noises that restrict me from the ocean of pure silent unending peace. Peace that was once drifting overhead amongst the stars and peace that is now found within me.

When I can open up to embrace just a smidgen of God’s amazement in nature, I can only be thankful. Who am I to complain at all? I have a life. I am alive. And I am even fortunate to be in good health and aware enough to see the generosity of love all around me.

In these moments of “nature wowing” I get a warm tingle in my spine. After I descend from the mountain, traverse back up stream, and tuck into the confines of my dwelling, I am fresh. I have been rebooted and I truly start anew. Does everyone have this ability? How many people experience this sensation? I am not sure. All I know is Nature, coupled with amazement, and sprinkled with the acknowledgment of God is wonderful and could very well make the world a better place if done just a little bit more.